True poker players aren't big drinkers, but they are very particular about how they want their drinks made. 'Just like certain drinks are a pain in the ass, poker players are a pain in the ass! These are the most superstitious and eccentric gamblers in any casino. Everyone who has ever waited tables will tell you the same thing. I was a waiter- an excellent one, mind you- and some people are a'holes or uneducated on the process and don't tip. It's not a sob story, it's just a fact of life for servers and it comes with the territory.Īnd it isn't an improbable scenario either.
It doesn't matter if it's made up for by other tables and it doesn't matter if the server still goes home with a net profit at the end of the shift, those things are irrelevant. Pays money out of pocket to wait on that table. If a server gets stiffed by a table and has to pay income tax on the tip that didn't happen, the server loses money.
The story presents a highly improbable scenario as a very common one and preys on sympathy. It's about a sob story that's repeated far too often by far too many servers about how if you don't tip (or, as usually presented, tip enough), then not only will they make less money, but ZOMG they might actually lose money. That's not the point of this thread, is it? It's not 'I'm not tipping' vs.